Friday, 15 November 2013

All Gift Experience Vouchers From Firefly

Firefly Photography boasts a team of highly creative and imaginative individuals, each with their own area of expertise. We have a variety of skilled stylists, consultants, photographers and digital artists who try their very best to make your experience at Firefly Photography enjoyable, comfortable and one you will never forget.

One of our latest offers is an ‘All gift experience voucher’. This voucher is worth £30.00 and you can use this in the newborn, family, makeover, boudoir and pets studios, as well as receiving a complimentary 8” framed print, worth £95.00. For more information about our offer please visit us online at:
website xmas offers

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Top 10 Tips for Great Pictures

Do you wish you were a better photographer? All it takes is a little know-how and experience. Keep reading for some important picture-taking tips. Then grab your camera and start shooting your way to great pictures.
1. Look your subject in the eye
2. Use a plain background
3. Use flash outdoors
4. Move in close
5. Move it from the middle
6. Lock the focus
7. Know your flash's range
8. Watch the light
9. Take some vertical pictures
10. Be a picture director
Look your subject in the eye

Direct eye contact can be as engaging in a picture as it is in real life. When taking a picture of someone, hold the camera at the person's eye level to unleash the power of those magnetic gazes and mesmerizing smiles. For children, that means stooping to their level. And your subject need not always stare at the camera. All by itself that eye level angle will create a personal and inviting feeling that pulls you into the picture.
Too high
Use a plain background

A plain background shows off the subject you are photographing. When you look through the camera viewfinder, force yourself to study the area surrounding your subject. Make sure no poles grow from the head of your favorite niece and that no cars seem to dangle from her ears.
Try it yourself
Improving the background is easier than you think. Try it yourself with our online cameras. (Flash, 838 K)

Distracting background
Use flash outdoors

Bright sun can create unattractive deep facial shadows. Eliminate the shadows by using your flash to lighten the face. When taking people pictures on sunny days, turn your flash on. You may have a choice of fill-flash mode or full-flash mode. If the person is within five feet, use the fill-flash mode; beyond five feet, the full-power mode may be required. With a digital camera, use the picture display panel to review the results.
On cloudy days, use the camera's fill-flash mode if it has one. The flash will brighten up people's faces and make them stand out. Also take a picture without the flash, because the soft light of overcast days sometimes gives quite pleasing results by itself.

Subject is dark
Move in close

If your subject is smaller than a car, take a step or two closer before taking the picture and zoom in on your subject. Your goal is to fill the picture area with the subject you are photographing. Up close you can reveal telling details, like a sprinkle of freckles or an arched eyebrow.
But don't get too close or your pictures will be blurry. The closest focusing distance for most cameras is about three feet, or about one step away from your camera. If you get closer than the closest focusing distance of your camera (see your manual to be sure), your pictures will be blurry.
Move it from the middle

Center-stage is a great place for a performer to be. However, the middle of your picture is not the best place for your subject. Bring your picture to life by simply moving your subject away from the middle of your picture. Start by playing tick-tack-toe with subject position. Imagine a tick-tack-toe grid in your viewfinder. Now place your important subject at one of the intersections of lines.
You'll need to lock the focus if you have an auto-focus camera because most of them focus on whatever is in the center of the viewfinder.
Try it yourself
Position the subject off-center to make a good picture great! Try it yourself with our online camera. (Flash, 838K)

Lock the focus

If your subject is not in the center of the picture, you need to lock the focus to create a sharp picture. Most auto-focus cameras focus on whatever is in the center of the picture. But to improve pictures, you will often want to move the subject away from the center of the picture. If you don't want a blurred picture, you'll need to first lock the focus with the subject in the middle and then recompose the picture so the subject is away from the middle.
Usually you can lock the focus in three steps. First, center the subject and press and hold the shutter button halfway down. Second, reposition your camera (while still holding the shutter button) so the subject is away from the center. And third, finish by pressing the shutter button all the way down to take the picture.
Try it yourself
Good focus lock technique takes some practice. Try it yourself with our online camera. (Flash, 838K)
Subject not in focus
Know your flash's range

The number one flash mistake is taking pictures beyond the flash's range. Why is this a mistake? Because pictures taken beyond the maximum flash range will be too dark. For many cameras, the maximum flash range is less than fifteen feet—about five steps away.
What is your camera's flash range? Look it up in your camera manual. Can't find it? Then don't take a chance. Position yourself so subjects are no farther than ten feet away. Film users can extend the flash range by using Kodak Max versatility or versatility plus film.
Without flash
With flash
Watch the light

Next to the subject, the most important part of every picture is the light. It affects the appearance of everything you photograph. On a great-grandmother, bright sunlight from the side can enhance wrinkles. But the soft light of a cloudy day can subdue those same wrinkles.
Don't like the light on your subject? Then move yourself or your subject. For landscapes, try to take pictures early or late in the day when the light is orangish and rakes across the land.
Try it yourself
You'll be amazed at how different you can make one subject look just by changing the light. Try it yourself with our online camera. (Flash, 838K)
Also good
Take some vertical pictures

Is your camera vertically challenged? It is if you never turn it sideways to take a vertical picture. All sorts of things look better in a vertical picture. From a lighthouse near a cliff to the Eiffel Tower to your four-year-old niece jumping in a puddle. So next time out, make a conscious effort to turn your camera sideways and take some vertical pictures.

Be a picture director

Take control of your picture-taking and watch your pictures dramatically improve. Become a picture director, not just a passive picture-taker. A picture director takes charge. A picture director picks the location: "Everybody go outside to the backyard." A picture director adds props: "Girls, put on your pink sunglasses." A picture director arranges people: "Now move in close, and lean toward the camera."
Most pictures won't be that involved, but you get the idea: Take charge of your pictures and win your own best picture awards.

For information on the products and services we offer at Firefly Photography please visit us online - 

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Family Portrait Experience

Our Family Portrait Experience, which is normal £125, is for a limited time only priced at £20. This photo-shoot includes a consultation with your photographer on the style of imagery you would like to create, time in the studio (with up to two outfit changes), a separate day viewing, an 8″ framed print and £50 off any of our wall art collection. This deal is only available until 3 November 2013 so please book now to avoid any disappointment.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Firefly Photography

Did you know... that in the last six months we have donated over £4000 in raffle prizes and donations to local causes? However did you also know that, through our external gift vouchers, we also support Clic Sargent?

Clic Sargent is the UK’s leading cancer charity for children and young people, and their families. They are there from diagnosis onwards and aim to help the whole family deal with the impact of cancer and its treatment, life after treatment and, in some cases, bereavement. It is a wonderful, positive charity, in which we are hoping we can help by having a spare change box in reception at the studio. However, we are about to create a package for the viewing room in which we will donate £50.00, directly to Clic Sargent, for every portfolio that we sell throughout August 2013.

We're also working with the charity to create a Christmas party in which Firefly, Clic and Santa will all be involved! The party will be held at the studio and all monies raised will go to Clic Sargent. 

If you would like a donation for your charity raffle, ball and/or silent auction please phone the studio on 01332 341300 and ask for Mel or Kirsty.
Firefly photography - pets

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Retro Day!

Due to customer demand, our first retro day is here!

What is retro? If we're being official, a quick google says that it's a 'Imitative of a style, fashion, or design from the recent past'. We nearly agree (it wouldn't be like us to completely agree now, would it?!). It is an imitation of the recent past however we believe it's also a form of people expressing themselves and having fun... and isn't that what a shoot with Firefly is all about?

We've spoken with our team of talented stylists and they're extremely excited about 10 November. They'll do any style you want.... Christina Aguleria's Candy Man, the classic beehive or even Marilyn's larger than life volumised hairstyle. We've got key props - all you need to do is bring your outfits.

We're so excited about our first retro day. It's the first 'theme' day of many - watch this space. Visit our website for more information or, alternatively, phone 01332 341300 to book your Retro Day experience for only £45! See you there!

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Boudoir Photographers

Here at Firefly Photography we are specialist boudoir photographers. Based in Derby, our sessions are both a fun and intimate experience as we prepare you for those close ups. With the session lasting the day, our makeover will prepare you for the shoot and we'll only take the shots that you want us to! On top of that you'll also be able to take your favourite shot home with you! Find out more by visiting our website. 

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Charity Blog

Did you know... Firefly Photography has donated over £4000, in photographic experiences, to charities and good causes in and around Derbyshire in the last year? There are the obvious cancer charities, school fetes and silent auctions but have you ever thought of what happens with those who win?

Obviously they ring up and book in.... And then a week before their shoot they will receive an email - just like any other client - confirming the date and time of their appointment along with FAQs, directions, nearest restaurants and outfit advice if needed (normally for makeovers). Then, the day of the shoot arrives. And just like any other client they are welcomed in to the studio, sat down, talked through their shoot, taken into the studio, made to feel like the only people in the world and leave with a feel good factor - just like any other client. However, have you ever thought about the type of person/people that come into the studio?

One grandma had won her granddaughters nursery raffle and booked her entire family in for the shoot. Their were the grandparents, their children and their children's children... Ten adults and children in total. From talking to the grandma we knew it was going to be a big group so we booked out a double slot for them. We also found out that one of the children had ADHD so we made sure that the studio was inviting, we had calm music on and we went at his pace. The family units had never had photo shoots before... So we did a series of mini shoots within this one shoot. We made sure that the family didn't feel rushed. To top their day off, they'd booked into a restaurant, on Friargate in Derby, that we had recommended in their confirmation email a week earlier. A fantastic family day was had by all... And they even gave us cuddles at the end to say thank you!

We had another family come in... A dad and three teenagers. One of the teenagers had won a Family Portrait Experience through Derby's only eating disorder charity - First Steps. The mum had left and the winner of the voucher had suffered with bulimia and anorexia as a result of his mum leaving. This was the first ever photograph he'd had taken since taking his first steps to recovery. We weren't aware of his struggles of image and weight until the end of the shoot... When he asked his dad if he could have a kebab on his way home! His family were both thrilled and surprised however he had asked to see the photos in the middle of the shoot... And he felt that he looked good. Not only good - happy. His family were proud of him, he was proud of himself and we were proud of all of them just for having the courage and team spirit to come through the studio doors. They now have a 30" family photo of them all, hanging up for all to see, in their home.

Then there was a Makeover winner... Her mum had won it, through a raffle, and had passed it onto her daughter. Both mum and daughter turned up on the day. The daughter was petrified. She struggled to look in the mirror and her mum had forced her to come as a confidence boosting exercise. We took our time. She went through and chose the makeup she wanted and how she wanted it to be applied. Her photographer talked through her outfits, her insecurities as well as what she thought her best features were. She asked if, after the shoot, we would edit out all of the scars up her arms from her self harming days. We said we could - but we didn't want to. We weren't there to photograph 'her'... We were there to photograph her spirit and her personality which, once she'd chilled, was big, bold and beautiful. When it came to viewing she loved her images - with the scars. We went through an entire box of tissues but both mother and daughter left happy... Arm in arm.

We're always up for supporting a good cause... Charity or otherwise.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

What do you think of when you hear 'Boudoir'?

What do you think of when you hear 'Boudoir'? This is becoming a buzz word in the photography world especially with brides to be or women who have lost a lot of weight. The fab thing is that not all of our boudoir ladies are young, free, tiny-framed girls. We've had voluptuous ladies in their 50's, burlesque dancers and even a police woman who wanted photos to prove that, in 30yrs time, she did used to be fit (her words, not ours)!

Thanks to Gok Wan, women are realising that anyone can be sexy - you just have to believe in it. Even better, women are wanting to prove how lovely their curves are by having them photographed and 'documented' for themselves and loved ones. As mentioned earlier, we've had brides to be, slimming ladies but we've also had women come in to celebrate their divorce and use this as an experience to uplift themselves and move on. We had women 'tease' in lingerie right through to nude (tasteful, of course) along with lady talk to us about posing naked on her motorbike (and the answer is still hell yes!).

Our boudoirs include consultations with both stylist and photographer on the style of imagery you would like to create, up to an hour in hair and makeup with one of our professional stylists, time in our modelling suite with one of our professional photographers, a separate day viewing (so that we can tweak your images and fulfil any post production dreams you may have) and complimentary framed print. To see our most up to date promotions, please visit our Facebook page:

Monday, 2 September 2013

Here, at Firefly Photography, we pride ourselves on our personal customer service, quality of photography and making sure that all of our customers feel truly looked after and pampered. This is from the first initial contact, with ourselves, right through to the collection of images.
However, a personal favourite 'time' is the collection. Customers are able to see themselves looking fantastic and look at their art work whatever it may be: a portfolio, wall art, shelf portraits. They have had time to discuss where, in their home, these items are going to go and they leave feeling excited to add their photos into their family home. It's a fulfilling feeling knowing that these pieces of art are going to take pride of place in somebody's home. However (and here is the selfish bit) we never get to see them! We hear about them through emails and customer thankyous (which are always lovely to receive!) but we never 'see' what we class as the finished product.... So.......... 
Please can you post, to our Facebook wall, photos of your images in your home? We'd love to see the finished piece in all its glory and I'm sure that other customers may be intrigued too. Who knows - perhaps you could swap interior decor ideas?! OK, so maybe I'm getting a little over excited now but it would be fab to see.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Did you know... We can digitally enhance your photographs after your shoot?

OK OK... So there are the removal of spots on teenagers, adding of teeth on children and the secreting of dribble on the babies. But we can digitally enhance your photographs through, what we nickname, 'expressions'.

Firefly Expressions is about enhancing and developing an idea of the clients. It could be a favourite book, a dream or a past memory to be marked with a commission such as this. Let us give you an example.

Lucy rung us up after purchasing a Makeover gift voucher. She loved the idea of cartoons and make believe... Her outfits included a sexy army uniform and an Alice in Wonderland costume. She loved Christina Aguleria's Candyman music video. So we shot her in her army uniform, in some iconic poses from the video, and in post production added her to backgrounds created, by our team, that reflected the Candyman video. Next up was the the Alice in Wonderland costume. She loved this book and had always imagined herself as Alice. When it came to confirming her appointment, by phone, her photographer talked through ideas that she had and things that we could do for her in the studio and post production. She finished with a pop art style feel to her photographs of her finding the door, being watched by the cat and even (as copyright had expired) editing her into the actual book - being sat on a toadstool!

We've had gothic dolls, cheer leaders with Hollywood lights all around, dogs in autumn style scenes, 'Alice Cooper rabbits' (no, really!)...... Go on - give us a vision and we'll create it with you, for you.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Massive Give Away When we Get 1000 Likes on Facebook!

Do you want to know a secret? We're planning a massive give away when we reach 1000 likes on FB... However, we're not just going to 'give away' to anyone. As part of our ongoing commitment to support local projects and charities we want to give away 1000 vouchers to charities, across 
the East Midlands, who can then sell/raffle/auction the vouchers and 
keep all of the proceeds for their pots. Our vouchers are valued between 
£95 and £145 however it is up to the charity how much they sell them for 
(if they sell £100 at £30 each the charity will raise £300 and will not 
have had to spend a penny doing so).

In the last year alone Firefly Photography has donated over £4000 of 
photography goodness to charities in and around the Derby area. We also 
support one national charity a year and the charity this year is Clic 
Sargent. For the past year any gift vouchers that we have sold at 
exhibitions, or compeitions we have done, we have asked for a donation 
to Clic Sargent. To top it all off we will be holding a christmas party, 
with Santa, at the end of the year... But more about that later.

So... we need your help to spread the word.
We need your help to get to 1000 likes.
We need your help to tell charities about this so that they know to 
contact us about receiving the vouchers.

Thank you so much and we can't wait to give away 1000 vouchers!

photo credit: .....antonio..... via photopin cc

Monday, 12 August 2013

Photography Studio Derby

At Firefly Photography, we are a specialist photography studio based in Derby. Our services include studio makeovers, commercial shoots, weddings and family portraits. Our fun and popular services are available to everyone, whether it be to capture a newborn or the entire family; if you would like to find out more about the services we offer at Firefly Photography then please visit our website or call us on 01332 341 300. 

Monday, 5 August 2013

Photographers Derbyshire

At Firefly Photography, we are professional photographers based in Derby and we offer a range of services throughout the area. Some of the photography types we are experienced in include makeovers, family, commercial photo-shoots, boudoir photography and more. Our bespoke studio and contemporary, personal service makes us the perfect choice to capture all your special moments. If you are looking for a photography service within Derbyshire or would like to find out more information, either visit our website or give us a call on 01332 341 300. 

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Derby Based Baby Photographers

Everyone at Firefly Photography would like to wish a congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their baby. Prince George Alexander Louis is a lovely name! Also, remember that if you would ever like a newborn baby photo shoot then we are the company for you. Our baby photography shoots are currently on offer at £30 and this includes a complimentary 8" print. Find out more by contacting us on 01332 341 300.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Smartphone Photography Tips From Richard Gray

A lot of people underestimate exactly what a smart phone camera can do, especially when it comes to capturing those key moments in sport. Whether it be mastering that trick, scoring a goal or breaking a personal best. Resident Sportivate smart phone photography expert, Richard Gray recently toured the country visiting Sportivate sessions, capturing some inspiring moments on a standard smart phone. Read more at -

Here at Firefly Photography we are specialists in family photography, baby photography and more. Visit us online.

Friday, 12 July 2013

Smash the Cake Photo Shoot

We are going to be running a 'smash the cake shoot' that is going to be coming up soon! The photo shoot is aimed at 9 – 15 month old babies: as they shoot the best! During the photo shoot, the babies will be given a cake to eat and smash and whilst doing so, we will capture some fun and exciting pictures! The shoot includes a complimentary birthday cake and an 8" framed print worth £95! Also, please remember that the shoot doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be their birthday – it can just be for a bit of fun and to get a different set of images to those that are cleaned and posed. Make sure your regularly check our Facebook page to stay updated as to when this will be happening and visit us online to find out more about the various  photography services we offer. 


Friday, 5 July 2013

Baby Photography Services

Here at Firefly Photography, our bespoke photo studio is a custom made space designed to give the ideal environment for capturing you and your newborn baby at your best. Our popular baby and family photography sessions are a rewarding experience for your family as we take a fun and playful approach to these photography sessions. 

All three of our family studio sessions are extremely popular with families of all ages; whilst our baby photography session helps capture the precious moments from pregnancy all the way up to your baby’s first year! Our ‘Bump & Baby Plan’ and ‘New Baby Portrait Plan’ are tailored for you individually and they consist of three separate studio shoots in which we follow your personal requirements.

For more details on our family and baby photography packages, please visit us online.


Thursday, 27 June 2013

Baby and Portrait Photography – A Quick Reminder

Hi guys, this is just a quick reminder to let all of our followers and customers know that whoever claimed our baby portrait or family portrait June offers... the voucher will expire this Sunday! So, make sure you book your appointment today. It doesn't matter if you choose a date after the 30th of this month, however you need to book by this date. Call us now on 01332 341300. Also, take a look at some of our baby photography and portrait images below...

newborn and portrait photography
baby photographers derby
baby photography

Friday, 14 June 2013

Wedding Photography Services in Derby

Here at Firefly Photography, we are able to provide a range of wedding photography services throughout Derby. We offer a variety of different wedding packages that are designed to make the most of the images from your special day. Some of the products we offer include finished albums, framed prints and digital wedding portfolios! If you would like to discuss our wedding photography services with us, then please get in touch with us today on 01332 341300.


Friday, 7 June 2013

Wedding Photography - The Qualities of a Great Wedding Photographer

It is now widely accepted that there are a lot of people out there who can pick up a camera and take a pretty decent picture. More and more, especially in these austere times people are asking themselves if they can find savings on everything and that includes their wedding photography. Modern DSLR cameras are affordable and especially with their advanced technology have great automatic shooting modes. Read more at -

Here at Firefly Photography, we are professional wedding photographers based in Derby and you can find out about our services by visiting our website or by calling us on 01332 341300.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Thursday, 23 May 2013

25 Stunning Documentary Style Wedding Photos

As a lover of words one of my most favorite things about them is the fact that we can use them to tell our stories. We form words together resulting in a window that provides readers a glimpse into our lives or some insight as to who we are. Our stories are sometimes told for entertainment purposes but some of the best ones are those that convey emotion and leave the reader inspired or touched in some way. Read more at -
At Firefly Photography we are an expert wedding photographer based in Derby and you can find out more by calling us on 01332 341 300 or visit our website.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

A Brand New Photographic Experience

Here at Firefly Photography we have just released a brand new photographic experience! This is a newborn photography experience which means up to 3 hours in the studio with your little one, whilst you can choose from relaxing with an afternoon cream tea or a mini pamper session! If you would like more details on our brand new photographic experience, visit us online or check out our Facebook page. Other areas of photography that we are experienced in are family photography, wedding photography and much more.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Wedding Photography

A wedding is a very special occasion and all of the wonderful memories from the special day should be cherished forever. The best way to make a wedding extra special and to remember it for the rest of your life is to capture every moment on camera! Here at Firefly Photography we are an experienced wedding photographer based in Derby and we can create a unique set of images from your special day. Find out more about wedding photography by visiting our website.
You can always visit us at our studio
107 Heritage Gate Friargate, Derby DE1 1NU

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Family Portrait Experience Offer – A Quick Reminder

Just a quick reminder to all of those that have claimed the family portrait experience offer... You have only a few days left to book in for your appointment, so hurry! Also, we have extended our 'Sunday offer' to Sundays through May! So, make sure you give us a quick call today on 01332 341300 and have a look at some of the images below to get an idea of the family portrait photos we can take.


Thursday, 18 April 2013

How photographers joined the self-publishing revolution

In 2010, while trawling the internet for ideas, Spanish photographer Cristina de Middel came across a list of the 10 craziest experiments in history. At No 1 was the short-lived Zambian space programme of 1964, which was instigated by a schoolteacher, Edward Makuka Nkoloso, with the goal of sending an African to Mars. Read more of this interesting news article at -
We are a professional photography company based in Derby and we are experienced in family photography, portrait photography, wedding photography and more. Visit us online for further details and stay tuned to keep updated with our special offers.