Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Did you know... We can digitally enhance your photographs after your shoot?

OK OK... So there are the removal of spots on teenagers, adding of teeth on children and the secreting of dribble on the babies. But we can digitally enhance your photographs through, what we nickname, 'expressions'.

Firefly Expressions is about enhancing and developing an idea of the clients. It could be a favourite book, a dream or a past memory to be marked with a commission such as this. Let us give you an example.

Lucy rung us up after purchasing a Makeover gift voucher. She loved the idea of cartoons and make believe... Her outfits included a sexy army uniform and an Alice in Wonderland costume. She loved Christina Aguleria's Candyman music video. So we shot her in her army uniform, in some iconic poses from the video, and in post production added her to backgrounds created, by our team, that reflected the Candyman video. Next up was the the Alice in Wonderland costume. She loved this book and had always imagined herself as Alice. When it came to confirming her appointment, by phone, her photographer talked through ideas that she had and things that we could do for her in the studio and post production. She finished with a pop art style feel to her photographs of her finding the door, being watched by the cat and even (as copyright had expired) editing her into the actual book - being sat on a toadstool!

We've had gothic dolls, cheer leaders with Hollywood lights all around, dogs in autumn style scenes, 'Alice Cooper rabbits' (no, really!)...... Go on - give us a vision and we'll create it with you, for you.


Thursday, 15 August 2013

Massive Give Away When we Get 1000 Likes on Facebook!

Do you want to know a secret? We're planning a massive give away when we reach 1000 likes on FB... However, we're not just going to 'give away' to anyone. As part of our ongoing commitment to support local projects and charities we want to give away 1000 vouchers to charities, across 
the East Midlands, who can then sell/raffle/auction the vouchers and 
keep all of the proceeds for their pots. Our vouchers are valued between 
£95 and £145 however it is up to the charity how much they sell them for 
(if they sell £100 at £30 each the charity will raise £300 and will not 
have had to spend a penny doing so).

In the last year alone Firefly Photography has donated over £4000 of 
photography goodness to charities in and around the Derby area. We also 
support one national charity a year and the charity this year is Clic 
Sargent. For the past year any gift vouchers that we have sold at 
exhibitions, or compeitions we have done, we have asked for a donation 
to Clic Sargent. To top it all off we will be holding a christmas party, 
with Santa, at the end of the year... But more about that later.

So... we need your help to spread the word.
We need your help to get to 1000 likes.
We need your help to tell charities about this so that they know to 
contact us about receiving the vouchers.

Thank you so much and we can't wait to give away 1000 vouchers!

photo credit: .....antonio..... via photopin cc

Monday, 12 August 2013

Photography Studio Derby

At Firefly Photography, we are a specialist photography studio based in Derby. Our services include studio makeovers, commercial shoots, weddings and family portraits. Our fun and popular services are available to everyone, whether it be to capture a newborn or the entire family; if you would like to find out more about the services we offer at Firefly Photography then please visit our website or call us on 01332 341 300. 

Monday, 5 August 2013

Photographers Derbyshire

At Firefly Photography, we are professional photographers based in Derby and we offer a range of services throughout the area. Some of the photography types we are experienced in include makeovers, family, commercial photo-shoots, boudoir photography and more. Our bespoke studio and contemporary, personal service makes us the perfect choice to capture all your special moments. If you are looking for a photography service within Derbyshire or would like to find out more information, either visit our website or give us a call on 01332 341 300.