Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Can you think of a photograph, in your family, that shows your families personality? 'The Jubilee Generation Experience'

Although we're not always patriotic we do feel that the Queen's Jubilee is a perfect time to highlight 'family' and 'family portraits'. We can all imagine a family portrait of the royals or 'Windsor's' to use their surname... Normally these shots are posed with the Queen sat in the middle, on a chair, with her legs folded to one side. But I've got to ask if this symbolises them as a 'family unit'. Do they ever 'have a laugh' together? Surely that's a portrait: A snapshot in time - A moment captured in a family's day where someone did something to make them laugh and create a memory... What about if Harry suddenly jumped on Beatrice's back whilst Kate and William are giggling in the background as Beatrice isn't best impressed with her surprise? Or a simple photo of the Queen with Prince Philip stood together, arm in arm and hand in hand, cropped from their heads to their torso and smiling naturally. Perhaps these fictitious scenario's aren't the Windsor family: Perhaps Harry and Beatrice don't get along or Harry would rather jump on Kate's back whilst William tries to warn her! Along with the Queen and Prince Philip never sharing a 'moment' together such as the image described earlier. So why am I ranting?

When was the last time that you and your entire family had a photo together? At that family wedding ten years ago? Around the Christmas dinner table but Auntie Barbara is missing because she's sorting the turkey in the kitchen? Can you think of a photograph, in your family, that shows your families personality? This got the firefly team thinking and we created the 'Jubilee Generation' package. The package is for you and your entire family, three generations or more, to receive a series of photo shoots. We'll photograph 'family pods' before looking at the whole picture and invite you and your entire family into the photography studio Derby for the group photograph. We won't stage it, like the Royals' photo's are. We'll listen to you and your family. We'll capture every personality we see and any family memory or story you want to tell us. I don't think we will ever see the 'Windsor' family photo... There will always be 'Royal ones'. We want this experience to be an opportunity to create an iconic photo's that represents your entire family to the present day and the many generations to come.

For more information please visit our website at www.firefly-photography.co.uk
phone the photography studio in Derby on 01332 341300. We are open Wednesday through to Sunday, 10am until 5pm except for Saturdays when we open at 9am.

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